


满堂  虽然同是弟兄,但还是很少跟你交谈。对你的过去知道的不多,现在的你也不是很了解。是因为害羞吗?不知道哦!但怎么样都不重要,最重要的是,我们知道自己都是荣耀的上帝的孩子。看见你在这短宣期间的突破,真的很很很很感恩。虽然你说自己很害羞,但是你还是很愿意去为主发光。有时还害怕对你的建议会不会伤害到你,但是希望真的是能够帮助到你。继续寻找上帝给你的恩赐吧,祂在你的生命当中是有美好的计划地。找着的同时,不要忘记借用祷告的力量哦!我会为你祷告的。嘻嘻~~~
Sharon  我们组内的雪人,对大家都非常有爱心的一位姐妹。谦卑是上帝透过你让我们学习到最大的功课。对你的认识不是很深,但是很清楚的知道,你是哪一位有需要做什么都能够的姐妹。虽然你说你不愿意被上帝使用,但是我却觉得你更多是不知道怎么被上帝使用。坦白说,我也不知道,但是就跟着上帝的带领一步一步走咯,上帝不会让我们看到终点,但是会告诉我们下一站在那里。渴望下一次的同工,更盼望上帝继续向你说明祂再你生命当中的计划。但是想说一说,Sorry太多不怎么好,加上你自己没有做错,还要不停的说Sorry,我们听到很压力咧!嘻嘻~~~~
慧珊  你的确是蒙福的孩子。对于一位刚信主一年的姐妹来说,你的信心是何等的大!从你身上,我需要不断的省思,自己又没有像你那样的热忱追随基督的道路。虽然你很多都不知道,但是你却什么都愿意问。常常看到你静静的,原来你是不知道,选择聆听及学习。上帝给你的其中一个恩赐,个人觉得是冷静的思考及分析能力。加上你对上帝渴望的心和无比大的信心,相信你必定能成为一位祝福他人的姐妹。最值得感恩的不过是你对上帝的渴慕,因为很多人会误用上帝的恩赐,聪明智慧来否认上帝。但很明显,你是选择使用上帝给你的聪明智慧来追求上帝的真理。在基督内继续成长。
慧瑜  学会顺服不是件容易的事,但是你却是那一位让我们懂得何谓顺服的姐妹。很多时候我们都会埋怨,怨这怨那,但是你却是那位少怨言的人。很荣幸有机会听见你的些许分享,让我了解及看见的何等大的信心。和你同组的两天,我学习到把握机会的重要性,很多时候我们会埋怨上帝没有为我们预备人,但你却是恳求上帝让你对多一个出现在你面前的人分享。相信上帝会使用你,来照亮更多的人。也渴望下一次的同工。以马内利。
彩妮  很高兴可以跟你同组。在一起同工时才发现到,原来你的样子和你的性格是不相符的。看上去好像凶巴巴,但原来是那么善良及有爱心的。还有你在玩游戏的样子,恐怕失忆了都还记得!哈哈~~~虽然你常常说你对上帝的信心有限,但是却发现这有限是距离完美的有限,比较起许多挂名基督徒的信心地很大的。虽然你一直说我很会讲,但我现在要告诉大家你很会抢。哈哈~~~看玩笑的啦!不过你真的很有传福音的热忱,时常抢我先一步分享我们的活动及福音。我相信上帝会继续带领你的前途的,最重要不要离开上帝了哦!仰望基督,凡是感恩。后记,不要作花罗汉哦!嘻嘻~~~^^
美欣  整个队伍当中,我最不认识的就是你了。一开始时还好,尝试更认识你,常常有交谈的机会。但不知何故,再后来却无法与你交谈,更常常面对到你的冷酷飞刀,真的是害怕了,所以选择了保持距离。后来听说你是害怕受伤害,是吗?不知道。但是我不见得会伤害人的吧?想知道咧!但是可以肯定地时,你真的很专业。虽然完美似乎不可能,但你就是会让每一件事更接近完美。默默的耕耘使我在你身上看见的,特别是在传福音时,即使没什么经验,但你还是敢敢来!希望你以后不要对我这么冷漠了,有点怕!嘻嘻~~
David  还我没有觉好睡得弟兄,我并没有生气你啦!嘻嘻~~~但不知道你是否能够接受我赖床的习惯呢?真的很累嘛!哈哈~~~队员当中,相信你是最有经验的一个了。一开始就挨通宵,真的有点担心你的身体应付不来。感谢主,并没有夺取我们仅有的弟兄。哈哈~~虽然知道自己很常让你生气了,但是感谢你没有生气!嘻嘻~~~着宽容的心是我值得学习的。加上你愿意服侍的心智,我相信学园传道会的同工可能是你为来的称呼了!哈哈!无论如何,一切交托给主,相信他必定会大大的使用你。
Rachel  坦白说,虽然猜错了你是我的小天使,但是依然觉得你很单纯。这一个单纯不是无知或笨蛋的单纯,而是容易被影响的单纯。或许就是因为这一颗单纯的心,你很长被外来的因素影响,导致你的信心动摇,不知道自己真正要的是什么。但是感谢主,祂在短宣期间让我们看见你对祂的顺服,时时刻刻依靠上帝征战。更特别的是,你的单纯成为了其他人的祝福,影响弟兄姐妹更依靠上帝。虽然你常说自己很多问题,但是我相信,上帝会让你有很多的学习。上帝必定常常引领你的前途,但不要忘了常常回到主身边球哦。祷告的力量是我们不能测度的,如果愿意,我们都愿意为你的事在祷告中纪念。愿上帝祝福满满。
Jason  虽然很多时候,你不明白我们所说的是什么,但至少看见你尝试突破自己的语言障碍,特别是在祷告事上,非常感动。不知道为什么,就是希望你能够参与在住的事工上。虽然你现在还是不知道上帝要你往哪里去,但是我相信上帝会继续带领着你。接下来我们有更多的接触时间,渴望能在灵命上一起成长、突破。上帝让我在这短宣期间看见不一样的你,愿意顺服及参与每一件事奉,这是上帝喜悦、更是我还需要学习的功课。愿上帝向你诉说祂美妙的计划,并且预备你为他奔跑十字架的道路。
Janice  很抱歉,太掉以轻心了,没有进一步去了解小天使是那一位。无论如何,你这位天使是我的祝福来的。嘻嘻~~~你不笑的时候,还真的有点恐怖的,因为恨严肃的感觉,不敢亲近。但是你笑得时候,却真的看见光环了,因为很有妈妈的味道。哈哈!上帝给你的恩赐真的是很大很大的,很多事上你都能做得很好,相信上帝必定要重用你了。看见你的参与,更肯定上帝在你身上显明的祝福不是白白的,而是因着你谦卑的心、愿意的信心。愿上帝继续带领着你的脚踪,带领你的一生走入人群当中,成为更多人的祝福。
Ray  虽然是同一起侍奉,但是真的很少有时间和你接触。看见你愿意来到上帝面前奉献自己,心里真的很感恩。上帝的计划是奇妙的,祂领我们逐步走向福音的复兴、福音的兴旺。虽然我们能做得有限,但是有限的我们却成就了上帝无限的计划。感谢主,让你愿意为他做更大的事情。深信上帝在这同时,让我们一起学习到人的渺小,永远与上帝的大能和救恩计划成不了对比。愿上帝继续教导我们,让我们愿意在祂面前忠心侍奉。侍奉道路上继续追随同工。愿上帝大大的祝福和使用你。
Esther  你失忠心的仆人,愿意走进有需要的禾场为上帝抢救灵魂。上帝的工作很难做,但是靠着上帝,我们什么都能做。虽然不知道上帝要你往哪里去,但渴望上帝亲自告诉你祂要成就在你生命的计划。感谢主让你成为我第一次主日分享的学习,虽然你的标准是我不曾费心思考的,但确实更充实的预备了自己。你伤了了几次,特别是说我讲话没有point。 太hurt 了。这是我有生以来第一次收到的评语,心碎了。但是感谢主,这样的机会让我更思考自己的说话方式,更肯定的是,我不再把辩论生活化了。嘻嘻~~~~愿上帝祝福你、引领你的脚步。
博文  感谢主,让我们在分享和祷告中彼此勉励。见到你的时候,还真不知道上帝为我预备一个怎么样的团长。很担心自己的霸道的领袖气质走出来,因为这是骄傲且不好的行为。但是感谢主,在你面前我很自然的就学会了谦卑,因为你是一位前辈的领袖。上帝在你的身上彰显了祂的慈爱,让我时刻在思考,到底你怎么做得到这样的容忍大家的不足,特别是我自己。虽然很多天没有时间好好休息,但是和你一起的分享让我更感到精力充沛了。上帝的恩典是足够我们用的。上帝的祝福继续临到你的身上。
忠文  你真的是位谦卑的仆人。印象最深刻就是在护教学是对你不礼貌的反问,还想再次向你道歉。当时真的就是想到很难解释,那样问纯粹想知道你是否也面对同样的问题。但是感谢主,你的宽容大量原谅了我的无理,更教导我在服侍的路上更学会谦卑。渴望与你一起学习,非常想念护教学的那几个小时。希望有机会更进一步的认识你,认识这一位上帝忠心的仆人。
秀娟  我们组内的开心果。也不记得有多少次因为你的一句话翻倒在地上了。我相信你特别的说话方式是上帝给你的恩赐,倘若你将这恩赐用在更合适的地方,相信会带给其他人更大的祝福。虽然你尝尝说很多笑话,也吃挺多的,但是你的形象还是很好啦!我不会像你喜欢的弟兄说的。嘻嘻~~~看的出你愿意为上帝使用,渴望着一颗愿意的心让你继续在追求上帝的旨意时显得更刚强。想起你,不得不提醒,真的不要那么大头虾了啦!时常把东西方不见,真的会吓坏身边的人的哦!当然,更重要的是不要忘了把上帝放在不知道哪个角落哦!嘻嘻~~~愿上帝继续祝福、使用你。


thank you, for what you have given to people

dont know how to express my feeling,
but if i am giving the chance,
this song is what i wish to tell you all.
May God be always with us


thought of sharings..Huiyie



Youth fellowship,小天使,闭幕
2009 I-connect短宣告一段落,但爱心`传福音`传递宣教异象,仍未停止,且紧急。
这次短宣有了一些些的看见。。祂一定会继续带领我的 :-D
a.全职`传福音`事工领域-我会继续向神祷告,让我更明白神的心意`有更明确的方向和答 案。
c.回顾个人目标,神有照着祂的应许赐给我。要为未得救灵魂更迫切祷告。 需诸般智慧传福音给 e时代人类。 神使用每一个人。


Derrick's 分享

早上睡醒,感觉怪怪的! 冷静思考一下,哦,原来自己已经从短宣回来了。感觉真的很不一样,怪怪的,有点不适应。不知道有多少的团员队员也一样呢?这环境的转换和差距,虽然对自己影响不大,但还是会让自己想一想,回顾一般!哈哈~~




说起来惭愧,到现在还没有真正的数算上帝的恩典。有几件事情是非常需要感恩的,而第一件事当然就是上帝让我们在同一队当中彼此学习。这恩典是不能不算得,因为上帝我们在彼此的身上看见需要学习的地方。虽然似乎理所当然,但我相信上帝让我们相遇不适偶然的。第二件事,感谢主让我有机会学习小丑,并且尝试当小丑。一直以来有这样的意愿,希望能成为一位小丑,融入小孩子当中,特别是在医院探访的事工。感谢主,这次我做到了。还要是有一位那么棒的导师,Peter Ling。太值得的感恩!第三件事就是让我有机会在主日分享。一直以来很渴望能在台上分享上帝的奇妙作为,但就是没有机会。加上家人不允许自己受洗,感觉离这样的一个机会就更远了。当时知道需要有人做这样的分享时,马上就像上帝祷告,还真想不到上帝就这样回应了。当Rachel问我时,心里真的是太高兴了,感谢主。第四件事就是上帝让我跟彩妮同组传福音。在她身上,我看到原来一个人真的不算什么。只有在上帝的怀里,我们才能成为会发光的器皿。她说自己的信心有限,但是上帝却让我看到,只要我们愿意,上帝必定会带领和祝福我们的脚踪。也因为如此,我更要依靠上帝了!嘻嘻~~~第五件事是上帝回应我的祷告,让我最后一天的传福音工作更看见上帝的恩典。当时真的很累了,但是就不知道为什么,我们两人还是走了出去。但是遇见的都是难处理的,但是接着上帝的恩典,我们都能够应付得来。虽然如此,心中还是不断的问上帝,为什么会这样。但是感谢主,后来他让我们看见,原来这是他的祝福,是他对我的祷告的回应,更让我经历到他的恩典,同时使我的短宣住家布道圆满的告一段落。


虽然不在同一队伍内服侍了,但是我们依然一样在服侍上帝和需要的人。期望大家常常联络,互相勉励,激发上帝在我们当中的爱心,激发每个人对上帝的信心。有什么事不妨来烦我啦!哈哈~~~虽然常常会Appear Offline,但是并没有离开等待大家的位子。不知道自己能做什么,但我愿意付出我所能够付出、分享我所知道的一切。当然,我也会常常从你们当中支取力量和爱心,不要吝啬哦!哈哈~~~ 最后,很高兴有机会与大家一起同工,感谢主的恩典。弟兄姐妹,相约在主里。


David Learning Lessons in I-connect 2009

My mission trip in years 2009 will be at Skudai, Johore which is same with last year I-connect 2008 place ! But now I alr not first years student de.. But upgrade to second year student le..! How fast the time pass in one year and I left one more year in Uni life and left 2 times can go to mission trip with other Ukm student le !!

And this year, Mission Trip will have 2 big events in Skudai, Johore which is A carnival and true love campaign ! I will go to Methodist Church this time and will be become " the earth man " which will calling ppl inside the mall to go to carnival so that they will concern about our environment !

Furthermore, I will need to organize the " vision of ministry" in the Church which I havent organize be4. And I mostly dont know how to run it until now .. Zzz ! But I know the God will give me the wisdom and courage to do it ! Coz mostly I will do it on my own..But until to I-connect phase 1, I manage to discuss more about this event with Hui San and Bok Wan. And both of them give me some idea to run this event. Thanks for the information that Brother Dickson give too coz I can know wat and how to let the youth know the important of share gospel !

And in I-connect phase 1, I go for the e-mentor workshop. In that workshop, I can learn how to share gospel with e-mail and facebook from Brother Endy. He had taught me that we should reply e-mail just like speaking to a friends and not just give a lot information. Coz tat will make the e-mail sender can speak the desire from deep of their heart to us and let us to help them by mentoring with bible teaching and lead them to God.

After tat, I go the Skudai Methodist Chinese Church for the Phase 2 Mission Trip. Altogether have 16 team members now coz due to 100 over student join this mission trip. This is my 1st time to have so many team member in one to share gospel and do some events to attract ppl to come the church that welcome us. At the first day, I actually not comfortable to have so many ppl de, coz I cant remember all the name of team member. But thanks to Sis Esther for prepare the team building games for us. Coz that make sure I can remember all the name of team member and get to know them more.

At that night dinner oso, we can manage to eat a really full dinner until need to ta bao to other team . We altogether have 5 kind of meat, 1 vege , 1 soup and 1 desert which is a large dishes of fruits. My experience tell me that the first day to mission trip will have a really full meal coz I alr go for 4 mission trip but everytime oso eat until need to jog a while after eat. Every mission trip oso eat very good meal than when I at home.

The next day is the Carnival day. We need work as usher for the whole event and need arrive Sutera Mall on 8.30 am. But we still can manage to eat a big breakfast. Thanks for the church member for prepare it for us. But most of the time I cant manage to do the usher work coz need to act as earth man and helping Brother Bok Wan in stage programme. I experience a lot when act as a earth man. Coz tat time I need to wear the board of earth in front and back of me. Despite many brother and sister taking photo with me, I have many kind of looking from the visitor. Some of them laugh or wonder when they look at me. Because of this, I manage to imagine some of the feel of Jesus when he want go for the cross road. So after a while, I can smile even when they laugh, coz I learn from the life of Jesus. And we as a Christian, we should dont care about the thought of the other coz the thought of our Lord is more important. When we want truly to follow our Lord Jesus, We will shame by other coz our ways to live and life is so different from other ppl in this world.

Other than that, I learn to focus when the Carnival event still run. I manage to work as usher when I finish act as usher and free after helping Brother Bok Wan in stage programme. I can still invite ppl to go the true love event even have a nice programme running. I see many usher stop their work and pay a lot attention in the hot programme. I think we should work more when the hot programme coz a lot ppl will come and we can promote the true love more easily due to they want see the programme and they stop run from us when we wanna promote the event. But praise the lord coz we manage to give all the flier in carnival.

The third day is the sunday, We still need wake up very early and packing all of our luggage to the second floor coz the room that we sleep will need use for sunday school. But we luckily have a nice ban mee for breakfast. After that, we need to go for sunday service. All of the team members alr very tired due to yesterday carnival. But I still can manage to awake in whole the sunday service coz I make my legs do some beat all the time.

After sunday service, I and hui san need to prepare the youth fellowship. She didnt go for eat due to prepare the power point and her heart. Very pei fu for her willingness and sacrifice for this programme. And she can do very well in present all her point about the important of share gospel. And praise the lord that I can oso manage to lead the youth in playing the pastor game. All of them can understand well why the pastor and church members need to share gospel together due to the I give the snack for the answer that they come out. And I need thanks to Rachel for her willing to share the testimony of hers why she wanna join mission trip. Coz the date I and hui san approach her and challenge her for the testimony is two day be4 the youth fellowship.

On monday, we go for prayer walk in two school. But due that day oso is Teacher Day, we make it in one school only coz mostly of the students didnt come for school. And praise the lord, two of the church youth member willing to come and have journey with us oso. While we pray and approach student for promote the true love event, rain come. But some of us manage to share gospel too. After that, we go for lunch and suddenly the elericity cut off. So we go promote the events including the true love events and the musical service on sunday at our church. We believe that the God is our provider, coz because of cut off of the electricity, we manage promote the events and share gospel to the shopkeeper. The most miracle is Bok Wan and Sister Janice can share gospel to the children outside the cyber cafe and they pray receive Christ. This is because the electrity alr cut off and they cant play inside. If I not mistaken, that day we manage have 8 prc. Such a exciting news to heard that in the begin of mission trip and the first day to share gospel. From this, I learn that we must pray hard for the God will. We may be pray tat day not to rain. But God make to have rain and cut off electricity have His own purpose. We shouldnt blame God when something is against our will coz God will is higher than our will.

Tuesday, we promote the events in front of two school- smk tun aminah and smk mutiara riani. I have arrange to the team that go for smk mutiara riani. There dont have any bus stop or tree that can block the sunlight in front of that school. I can see many of us alr tired but none of us stop promote and share the gospel. Our team manage to have 2 prc although the situation is against our will and impossible to have ppl listen to ours when the whether is so hot and no where to hide for it. I learn tat we should share the gospel even the situation is against us coz that make ppl prc is not situation or the ways that we use but truly rely on Amazing God- In him nothing is Impossible.

Wednesday, I partner with Sister Rachel in share the gospel in flat house area. We cant go for most of the house coz many of the flat area alr have their own gate to block the straighter to come visit them. We need shout for them to come out and we only can go for some house for promote but thanks God coz Rachel can sell 5 ticket for the true love.

At that night oso, we visit a non-believer house fetch by Pastor. And all the sister that follow quickly share gospel after go inside the house. They really take every oppurnity to share gospel and praise the lord that have 2 prc that night. The two prc is the two children of the family and their parents didnt angry when they we share gospel to them but very welcome us to come for that purpose. I learn tat we should hold hard for every oppurnity that to share gospel coz that will change the destiny of one soul.

Friday is the last day I can share gospel in this I-connect due to sat and sun have two events need to run. Be4 tat,I dont have the oppurtunity to 4sl. And I pray with Brother Dickson for that. And the pray, I can see the God prepare one student to listen the gospel when I share and pray receive Christ after I challenge him. I learn tat we should pray every time We go out to share gospel and God will prepare ppl for us. I oso learn that we should patience for God time. Coz God will have his will in it. I learn from Sister Rachel tat we should give up or stop easily in ministry. This is because she still continue to share gospel to ppl in flat area although she is very tired in climbing the stairs. She almost " jatuh " when my bags just knock her legs. But when I ask her wanna go for yseng house for visit, she just simply despite the tiredness that she facing.

Saturday, all the guys in our team, esther, and hui shan need go for rehearsal for the true love event. I been arrange to same team with Brother Bok Wan in pa system. In the rehearsal, I need to present the power point when the music team on stage, play song for opening song and national rythem, plus play the video that intro the speaker. Its sound like very easy but in the rehearsal, We run about 4-5 times for the opening. And be4 tat, I didnt know who is my leader in pa sytem. I receive 4 command in one times in that time. I almost mad about myself and other. But I remain calm after few minute. And Thanks God for the wisdom that he give. I manage to ask Brother Bok Wan for the real leader I follow and the answer of he give is him. So my task become easier coz I just need to follow his command only. Other command need reach to him oso be4 reach to me. In this case, I learn to remain calm, do things with wisdom and dont let the mood overcome me when some problem come.

I learn a lot from this mission trip but so sad cant come back to Skudai, Johore for next year. Praise the Lord for 231 ppl pray receive Christ. Thanks God!!!

Peer Appreciation - Sharon

These are the stuffs that I didn't get the chance to tell you guys in person, but they are really important, and so here goes:

Bok Wan:
Thank you for your gentleness in speech and endurance in clutz. You use your cool and collected nature to solve things and that is really impressive! I meant all the praises I got the chance to shower you with, so please embrace them! You really helped me through a lot! Aza!

Choong Voon:
Think before you say, and think even a greater deal before you act, you are the patience and endurance king in our team! I respect you for all the things you were doing for us in the dark, we may not know it, but God definitely appreciated your work. thnk you for bearing with me~

Thank you for being so great and yet so humble! You are an inspiration! Your faith in the Lord for your every day needs, your jolly disposition... I am learning more than I can from you! Thank you for giving to the Lord!

You are always encouraging and never think for yourself. It's always for the rest of us. Thank you for leading us! Your maturity in His words is due to your faith, that is my conclusion. I have so much more to learn!

You are like a big bright star. You may think that you are not good enough but I see differently. You should have seen yourself when you were sharing the gospel or recapping your testimonial. You are every inch moving and influencial!

You are warm and sensitive, you may want to bottle them up but He will definitely not let it, haha, you are very kind and sensitive to others' needs, that's why people like you. Share with us to lwt us know what you really think!

You are mature, and inspiring. You reminded us on the mildest of things we tend to neglect which are supposedly the things we should never be neglecting. Things we say, things we do. Thank you for being there for us!

I simply adore you! You are very veryy focused on God and i admire you for that. You appreciate all His blessings and you grab every opportunity He gave you to serve Him! Unimaginable concentration on the truth!!!

Siew Kiong:
My dear, thank you for all your support and soaking up all my fears when you were in worst conditions~ Your pure heart is influencial and your pure joy is infectious! I can see that you are a major lesson for me to learn! Thanks for being there!

You are full of oomph and energy when you speak and share and bold when you are talking to strangers! The few times I get to partner with you to share the gospel were some of my most faithful and deligent times!

Chai Ni:
Everyone said you changed, and I definitely see you changed when you first open your heart to pray in public for people other than yourself! I see your step of faith has brought you and it really motivates me to move further up!

MeiXin: You are like an angel to me! You are gentle, or obedient, or caring, or entertaining or helpful, whatever the situation calls for, you were there for me! The feeling of someone is working alongside with me is satisfying~

You wer more than what I described you to be the other day during our sharing. You were everything I wanted to be but couldn't. You were deep and the way your head works, I have no idea how, but they always send you the best things to say! I'm amazed!

Thanks for being part of us, like how we are going to be forever part of you. You gave the Lord what He gave you and you are so determined on the goal! If only I can be 10% of you! Continue to be used by the Lord for the Lord~

You are serious when you have to be and you are humble all the other times. You opened my eyes to what I can do if I am more faithful and put my trust in Him! You have gifts that you haven unravel, God must have stored great plans for you!

Personal Growth - Sharon

God is ever-knowing!!! Never doubt that! Never ever doubt that! He knows me all along, when I was half-heartedly serving him and stubbornly finding my own paths after praying and asking from Him! He sees me, but He has His own time, so I thought He has pushed me aside, and that I had successfully passed beneath His radar.

His timing is NEVER my timing, but that still doesn't imply that His timing isn't the BEST timing! His timing brought me into CCC, His timing brought me into I-Connect. I was praying before entering university for a chance to serve. I saw my church's fellowship, I strive hard for it, I really put in effort, but it seems like God doesn't wan to use me there at all, I didn't get the slightest chance to serve!

He pushed me into CCC. People make calls for me, I put in no effort, but they prepared everything for me. From equipping me, to sending me to people. I was not ready but He let me do His wills. There were plenty for me to do here. I never realise. Obviously.

This mission trip is not on my MY-Favourites-List, it is more of a responsibility. At least join some kind of activity, you are a Christian you know. That's where God sent me from.

It was a life-changing experience, I never expected that. I felt that i was let into a glimpse of God's BIG PLAN for me. I don't know much of much, but I will do it if He wants me to.

I see myself changing, Thank the Lord! I am scared that I will be the same forever, sometimes closed to Him and most of the time keep my distance.

Yet God is gracious, and gentle by letting me know that I need not fret. He is in control. I was on the plane home when I felt the urge to share the gospel with the passenger sitting next to me. I was really really reluctant though. Speaking to strangers in everyday setting is still a major barrier for me, especially when it has to do with something serious a.k.a. sharing the gospel.

I still have my doubts when the plane started to shake harder than i had ever experienced. It shook a great three quarters of the 1 hour and 15 minutes ride. And I haven't started sharing the gospel. I was still fidgeting with my opening speech. And I caught myself praying to God that He save this man if he haven't gotten the chance to know Jesus, since it's all my fault now.

The plane stopped shaking after that and I immediately started to talk to him. I later found out that he's a christian and so it was a false alarm after all but it really got me thinking. Normally I would pray for God to save me in this kind of situation but at that moment, I realise that there's no point of me being safe when i already know where I would eventually go but the person sitting beside me doesn't.

God really wants to change me. And know what? There's nothing I can do about it.